Sen uality, dancing, and partying: it eem the Brazilian have
ade a cience of all that i fun
Sensuality, dancing, and partying: it seems the Brazilians have
ade a science of all that is fun in life. Ipie world champions of
hedonism were no doubt aided by a lush land and steamy
climate, but still there is something different about Brazilians
The longe t and thinne t country in the world run from the Ande to the Pacific A well a haring
The longest and thinnest country in the world runs from the Andes to the Pacific. As well as sharing borders with Argentina, Peru and Bolivia. Chile also has territories in Polynesia and Antarctica, making it a tri-continental nation.
China' va t hi tory, ethnic and cultural diver ity, along with the
heer enormity of it
China’s vast history, ethnic and cultural diversity, along with the
sheer enormity of its territory, presents so many travel possibilities
that you could spend your whole life here and still not have
seen everything.
This said, for most first time visitors a few cultural icons and
spectacular landscapes that deserve immediate attention.
Group of 2 per on : USD 37 per per on:
Group of 3 per on : USD 30 per per on
Group of 2 persons: USD 37 per person:
Group of 3 persons: USD 30 per person :
Group of 4 persons: USD 25 per person :
Group of over 6 persons: USD 20 per person :
Dazzling Dubai, leader of the United Arab Emirate , i a triking,
newer-than tomorrow oa i
Dazzling Dubai, leader of the United Arab Emirates, is a striking,
newer-than tomorrow oasis bordered by a majestic desert and
the clear waters of the Arabian Gulf. Dine in one of the world’s
most luxurious hotels.